Working with our partners at Hyybab, the National Railway Museum (NRM) were looking to expand their offering and wanted to create an interactive environment for visitors but to establish this, were looking for funding sponsorship. A large event organised at the National Science Museum in London with global leading companies evented and a need to show the vision visually was required.

The Project Build:
After a site visit to determine the best way forward, we visited and captured individual high resolution 360 photographs with our professional equipment. We then went about building the vision in full 3-dimensional CGI to mirror the existing building in terms of dimensions, supporting structures etc. Once completed, a bespoke fully interactive platform was built where the user can toggle between a ‘current’ view and ‘vision’ view.

To add additional realism to the experience, we also added in some unique animation, showing some of the proposed science experiences working along with 3D models and ambient background noise.
The whole project was a complete success with sponsorship found and another satisfied customer.